Thursday, December 24, 2009

Holidays, Happy and Otherwise

This Moment: The last day of Christmas shopping, people everywhere, in good cheer, bad cheer, and various other moods. The reason to not wear earphones everywhere is to be able to hear the unexpected, and to bask in the wonder that is humanity. For example, I overheard these two gems today.

Mom #1

Setting: The middle of a crowded Toys-R-Us, dragging a child on the verge of tears.

Quote: "I will call Santa right now on the phone and tell him not to bother!"

Mom #2

Setting: The middle of crowded toy section in K-Mart, talking to a friend.

Quote: "What? No, that's for me. I looooove erotica."

I wish I had little awards to pass out.


  1. if you "looooove erotica," do you shop for it at K-Mart?

  2. Not unless Jacqueline Smith has come out with her own line. I presume she was listing all the gifts she had bought this season and felt compelled to share what she had gotten for herself...
