Friday, July 24, 2009

Wake Up, Wake Up, You Drowsy Sleeper

This Moment: Late afternoon, mulling over fragments of last night's dream and listening to scratchy tunes from the early 20th century.

I remember a famous director (Anthony Mann, I think, but don't quote me) saying that all you need for a good movie is two or three shots that the audience finds compelling. If they remember those shots, he thought, you were successful. At the time I thought that was setting the bar pretty low, but I understand what he is saying (I think). All of the shots and images are important, but some crystalize your experience of the film.

Do we hold the same standard for our dreams? Of course the narrative and themes of dreams tend to skip around more than your average film, but how many scenes from a dream do you have to remember for it to be a noteworthy one? Two? Three?

(Note: Scroll down slightly for related video clip)

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